Director & Scriptwriter
“The Bastards' Fig Tree” is her second feature film. Best Director Award in Albuquerque Film & Music Experience 2018, she has been awarded for her Cinematic Excellence in Hollywood Film Festival, among other recognitions. In “The Bastards Fig Tree”, her script and her directing turns the deep message of Ramiro Pinilla’s novel into a delirious and amusing rereading of the historical memory of the Spanish Civil War, still a taboo for Spanish society even today.
For her first feature film, “Three lies” (2014), she obtained the Best Film Award in the main Spanish Opera Prima festival, Tudela 2014, and the Grand Festival Prize at the World Premieres Film Festival of Philippines 2015. She is also a script writer, and moreover, an overarching movie maker that manages the times of the film production making the complicated look easy.
Actually Ana Murugarren is a very experienced movie maker. As editor she has received many awards and has worked with directors as Urbizu, Berger... She also has been recognized with the Iris Award for her Tv Miniseries “The Price of Freedom” by the Spanish Academy of Television and has been nominated in Festivals such Montecarlo or FIPA Biarritz.

Joaquin Trincado is an experienced and real independent film producer that draws the lineup of his films in a very personal way, aiming at the same time for both message and entertainment. For him the audience always comes first. Director and script writer in some cases, relevant Spanish movie makers like Alex De las Iglesia, Enrique Urbizu, Pablo Berger and now Ana Murugarren, started working in their films due to him.
He understands movie making as a factory in which he starts a project based upon his own idea to let the film fly in the hands of the director, cinematographer, actors and actresses, musician... making sure that at the end of the trip the film arrives to a safe and attractive harbor.
Possibly the cinematographer in better shape at the moment in Spain. A pleasure for any director. After years working as camera operator in films with Amenabar, Monzon...or Woody Allen in “Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona”, since four years he is only working as Cinematographer, though in certain films that become special for him like “The Bastards Fig tree” he takes charge of both responsibilities.
Experienced, sharp minded, a privileged eye, deep knowledge of modern technology, Josu Inchaustegui guarantees everything a producer needs, with a wide capacity to manage different styles. Inchaustegui in this film, shot and “finished” in 4K, treats rainy nights close to under exposure. Using soft Cook lenses, he provides a warm celluloid texture